Service-Learning standards of quality
Based on the translation by Anne Seifert 2011, p. 57
Meaningful Service
Meaningful service engages participants in Service Learning activities that are worthwhile and personally relevant.
Link to Curriculum
Service Learning is intentionally utilised as a didactic method that guarantees general learning standards and/or content requirements.
Service Learning incorporates multiple challenging reflection activities that will be applied repeatedly in the overall process and prompt deliberation about oneself and one’s relationship to society.
Service Learning promotes understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants.
Youth Voice
Students have a strong voice in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Service Learning projects, with guidance from lecturers and cooperation partners.
Partnerships in Service Learning projects are collaborative, mutually beneficial, and based on community welfare.
Progress Monitoring
All participants in Service Learning projects are engaged in an ongoing process to assess quality and objectives. The results are used to improve Service-Learning projects and ensure their sustainability.
Duration and Intensity
Community needs can be met and goals achieved thanks to an appropriate timeframe and service quality.