Swiss Network for Service Learning at higher education facilities

Preamble from the articles of association

Service Learning at higher education facilities is a curriculum-based learning and teaching method that uses practical and project-oriented approaches and cross-sectoral cooperation to combine professional and interdisciplinary learning at higher education facilities with the civic commitment of students.

It is used in teaching to build skills in an action-oriented way, contextualises existing knowledge in real-life scenarios, creates holistic learning experiences and enables and motivates students as responsible citizens to sustainably accept their social responsibility.

The civil society community is addressed by Service Learning as needed and benefits from systematically organised commitment.


Ingrid Becker, University of St. Gallen
Franziska Kastner, University of Basel
Nicolai Kozakiewicz, St. Gallen University of Teacher Education
Christoph Schank, University of St. Gallen
Judith Studer, Bern University of Applied Sciences


Franziska Kastner & Nicolai Kozakiewicz


Alexander Grossniklaus

Become a member!

As a member, you will promote the implementation and encourage the use of Service Learning at Swiss higher education facilities. You will support related activities and play a role in developing teaching in a future-oriented way. We look forward to hearing from you by email.

Member contributions

Individual personsCHF 50.00
InstitutionsCHF 100.00

Schweizer Netzwerk Service Learning an Hochschulen | St. Galler Kantonalbank | CH81 0078 1624 2759 9200 0

Institutional members

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